Morocco has been the experience I’ve been wanting for as long as I can remember- being in the place I’ve read about, smelling the markets and the spices, feeling the desert sun, perceiving the world through العربية, hearing the call to prayer as the sun slips under the horizon. Just being.
Arabic students were able to travel all over Morocco with their new language skills
College so far has been a whirlwind of firsts and a period of welcome growth. I’ve grown so much in my view of the world and my place within it. The conversations I’ve had on this trip, the friendships I’ve made, the poverty, the wealth, the humility, the extravagance, the altruism, the greed, everything, has made me appreciative of who I am, where I come from, and where my piece fits into place.
The world and our individual perceptions of it are so subjective and fragile. I’m glad I got this time to just be- to observe and absorb. I’m sad I have to say ما سلاما to the most amazing adventure yet, but I know there will be more.
This post was written by Molly Weston, a student at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Molly studied for seven weeks at Qalam wa Lawh through a summer program. During her time at Qalam, she took Arabic courses, took part in the Media Club, and traveled to many different regions of Morocco.