Study For Academic Credit
Area Studies Courses offer an opportunity for insight and understanding of Moroccan and North African thought, culture, history, religion and society. These courses are offered throughout the year in English and Arabic from professors and academic professional from Morocco’s top Universities. These courses take place at Qalam wa Lawh Center and can be accredited by your home institution.
SOC111 – 24 hours/2 credits
This course investigates gender roles and sexuality in Moroccan society. It briefly explores the history of the feminist movement in Morocco. Students are also introduced to the recent reform called “Moudawanna” and they reflect on its successes as well as its failures to achieve gender equality in the Moroccan civil law code.

Political Science
Political Systems in the Maghreb
POL123- 24 hours/2 Credits
This course focuses on North African post-colonial politics. Students will take a brief look at the historical factors at play in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia. They will then come to understand the factors which shape modern North African nations and the territorial and political disputes that persist today. The course will explore the influence of colonial and international interests, Berberism, Arab-Nationalism and Islamism. Morocco’s relative stability and its claim to the only remaining North African monarchy will be compared to the more volatile political situations in Algeria, Tunisia, Mauritania, and Libya.
Contemporary History of Morocco and North Africa
HIS111- 24 hours/2 credits
This 19th and 20th century Moroccan history course covers Morocco’s transitions from a traditional socio-political system under the Ottoman Empire to colonial French rule to its post-colonial identity as an independent nation-state. The role of the Moroccan monarchy is explored with a look toward understanding its influence on the stability of the region. Students will also explore Moroccan Jewish history, the emergence of Moroccan nationalism, post –colonial politics and society and the Islamic revival.

Introduction to Islamic Finance
ECN001- 24 hours/2 credits
Through this course, students will start to learn the basics of the Islamic banking system, as well as the ways in which these rules and guidelines are or are not implemented in modern society and finance.
Sufis, Saints, and Salafis: Islam and Modernity in North Africa
REL112- 24 hours/2 credits
This course will focus on religious traditions in Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria but will not exclude their neighbors, Libya and Mauritania. It will discuss and examine the practices of popular Islam such as talismans, the evil eye, prayers and gatherings. The mystical-ascetic form of Islam, Sufism, in the North African regions will be heavily discussed as well as the influence of Saints (marabouts) and tareqas. Later, the course will cover the emerging influence of Salafism and smaller sects.