Qalam wa Lawh Scholarships

Ibn Battuta Merit Scholarship for Peace & Diplomacy

This generous merit-based scholarship rewards future diplomats and peacemakers for excellence and dedication to the study of the Arabic language. > more details

Outside Funding

The following scholarships can be used to fund your studies at Qalam wa Lawh:

  1. Boren Scholarships: Boren Scholarships are for U.S. citizens and can be used for summer programs, semester abroad programs, or even long-term study programs.
  2. Critical Language Scholarships: These scholarships are for U.S. citizens studying particularly critical foreign languages – including Arabic.
  3. Global Study Awards: These grants are for students from the UK and seek to promote intercultural understanding and tolerance.
  4. FLAS Fellowship for Graduate Students: FLAS stands for Foreign Language and Area Studies, and this scholarship aims to help U.S. students in higher education institutions improve their language and cultural education abroad.
  5. NSLI-Y Scholarships for High School Students: NSLI is the U.S. government language initiative. The NSLI-Y program targets high school-age students who want to study a language abroad at an earlier age.
  6. Global Study Awards: This merit scholarship worth £10000 is for students who have passed the IELTS test via the British Council and are looking to promote intercultural dialogue and tolerance.
  7. International Mobility Aid: Under certain social criteria, this aid allows support for entrepreneurial students study abroad for a period between 2 and 9 months, paid for by higher education institutions.


These discounts are applied automatically to your registration when the conditions are met:

Alumni Discount ………………………………. 15%

15% discount on all course tuition for students who have completed a minimum of three courses.

Long Term Study Discount………………… 5-15%

  • 05% off all tuition costs for lengths of 4+ weeks of study
  • 10% off all tuition costs for lengths of 8+ weeks of study
  • 15% off all tuition costs for lengths of 12+ weeks of study