Arabic Language Cafe
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Cultural Celebrations
Cultural events are a way to educate the public on issues of importance, to mobilize resources and political will to address global problems, as well as to celebrate and promote human achievements. While celebrations vary from country to country, they highlight cultural diversity and reflect the entire history of humankind.
Cultural celebrations are also opportunities for different people to organize events. Families and governments, civil society and private sectors, educational institutions and citizens at large, seek to make these celebrations the starting point for awareness of the rising generation.
At this week’s Arabic Language Café, we will discuss the role of cultural celebrations through a lens of human history and pride in national culture, using the following discussion topics:
– Cultural celebrations as an opportunity for entertainment and recognition
– Its role in promoting culture of recognition and cultural communication
– The new generation’s awareness of and appreciation of cultural diversity
For more information or to attend the event, please visit the Arabic Language Cafe Page.