Arabic Language Cafe: Psychiatrists in the Arab World- Stereotype and Reality

10 October 2019

The Arab world, in particular, suffers from the problem of stereotypes about psychiatry, and the belief that a psychologically ill person is a madman. This misconception has deprived many people of their right to treatment.

As is common knowledge, psychological counseling is normal and necessary. But many people are still ashamed and afraid to visit the psychiatrist because of the perception, and despite the improvement in recent years of the image of psychiatry, many are still hesitant to visit. This leads us to discuss the subject of psychiatry in the Arab world, and both the stereotypes and realities, using the following questions:

– The reasons for this misconstrued view of the psychiatrist in particular, and psychiatry in general
– Ways to get rid of the negative societal outlook regarding the psychiatrist
– Contribution of the media in distorting the image of the psychiatrist
– The relation between school and psychological education

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