Arabic Language Cafe: The Role of Associations Co-operative in Societal Development

Arabic Language Cafe

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Role of Associations Co-operative in Societal Development

Co-operatives provide citizens with spaces that align with their daily reality, organizing activities in various economic, social, or educational fields. These organizations also help them to integrate into the working through initiatives and projects, albeit with limited means and modest composition.
International organizations, experts and interested parties all recognize the unique advantage these organizations have in this way, as they constitute a continuous solidarity workshop that combines ambition, realism and consultation.

At the Arabic Language Cafe this week, we ​​will discuss the role of co-operatives in achieving sustainable development and the constraints they face with the following questions:

– What are the economic and social roles played by co-operatives?

– How can their roles be promoted in achieving sustainable development?

– Have the co-operatives achieved their role?

For more information or to attend the event, please visit the Arabic Language Cafe Page.

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