Evening Arabic Courses to start again this month!

Qalam wa Lawh’s Evening Arabic program will resume its courses after a summer hiatus. Students from all over the world who live and work in Rabat are invited to join the Modern Standard Arabic or Moroccan Arabic courses.

Because Rabat is the governmental and administrative capital of Morocco, it is home to an international community of people of various cultures and backgrounds all working together. This is why Qalam’s program seeks to ensure students have the opportunity to achieve fluency in Arabic quickly, including helping dialogues in formal/business and informal contexts and learning the grammar and vocabulary.

The program is oriented to students of various levels of study and professions and focuses on the integration into the Arab culture, taking into account the fact that many of these people have busy schedules during the day. Qalam teachers work to meet students’ professional and personal goals and to improve the use of Arabic in daily and family life, work, and public places.

Courses for the fall session begin 14 October and run until 20 December.

Courses take place twice per week (Monday and Wednesday, OR Tuesday and Thursday) in the evenings from 18:00 – 19:30.

Registration is now OPEN!

Visit our Center at 22 Ave Omar Ibn Alkhattab in Agdal to fill out the registration form, or give us a call at 05 37 68 38 66 or email us at registrations@qalamcenter.com if you have any questions!

You can also find more info on our Evening Courses page.

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