It is our pleasure to announce the recipients of the Ibn Battuta scholarship award for Fall 2019 Semester. These awardees demonstrated a strong passion for the study of the Arabic language and a desire to promote peace and intercultural understanding.
Program Details
- Program: Fall 2019 Semester Program
- Study Dates: 02 Sep 2019 to 06 Dec 2019
- Duration: 14 Weeks
- Location: Qalam wa Lawh Arabic Language Center, Rabat Morocco
- Giga Gigauri, Tbilisi State University, Georgia
- Lamiya Khandaker, Harvard University, USA
- Laura Valenti, University of Naples L’Orientale, Italy
- Maikov Kliment, Higher School of Economics/ Moscow Lomonossov State University, Russia
- Margot Alice Petra Eliason, Monash University, Australia
- Marlina Ali Masyhudi, Universitas Indonesia , Indonesia
- Mayuka kikuchi, Yokohama City University , Japan
- Meryem Dogan, Westphalian Wilhelm University, Turkey
- Mirre Beek, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Patrycja Karwowska, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
- Reyhan Yagmu Ozdemir, Hacettepe University, Turkey
- Ruth Morales Cosano, Autonoma De Madrid, Spain
- Sarah Willey, Loyola University, USA
- Valentina Pulimeni, SSML reggio Calabria, Italy
- Willa Schwarz, Wesleyan University, USA
Ibn Battuta Merit Scholarship for Peace and Diplomacy
The Ibn Battuta Merit Scholarships aim to reward students for excellence and dedication to the study of the Arabic language as well as promote the study of Arabic as a foreign language. Prospective students may apply to either one of the semester programs (fall, spring) or else to the winter and summer programs.
Please join us in congratulating the awardees and thanking the applicants.
For more information about the Ibn Battuta Scholarship, please visit http://test.qalamcenter.com/ibn-battuta-scholarship
I have tried to learn Arabic on my own but it is extremely difficult to know what apps are correct. I would love to become fluent
I am currently a high school senior. I plan to study foreign languages in college. I’m interested in Arabic. I have 5 years of Spanish and 2 of French. I would like any information that you have on a path to becoming fluent in Arabic. Are there scholarships or programs available to college freshmen? Thanks in advance for your assistance.