Are you still trying to find that perfect study abroad program for the fall? Looking for a chance to study Arabic intensively for three and a half months? Qalam’s Fall 2019 Academic Semester Program is the perfect opportunity, and we still have spots available!
Join us in sunny Morocco for a 14-week long study abroad semester filled with Arabic activities both inside and outside the classroom. Intensive Arabic courses occur in the mornings, and you can choose from a selection of content courses in the afternoons. Some content courses include Gender and Society in Morocco, Introduction to Islamic Finance, and Political Systems in the Maghreb.
Arabic students from all over the world at Qalam wa Lawh
Come meet students from around the world passionate about the Arabic language and learn together about the beauty of Arabic and Moroccan culture. This Arabic study abroad program is perfect for university students, graduate students, researchers, journalists, and anyone looking to improve their language skills!
Qalam students volunteering during their study abroad program
The Semester Program, like all Arabic courses and programs at Qalam wa Lawh, is fully customizable. Students can choose from a variety of features and amenities to supplement and make the most of their experience at Qalam wa Lawh! Such amenities include weekend trips to incredible locations all over Morocco, cell phones with Moroccan SIM cards, academic clubs that participate in cooking and volunteer activities, and so much more!
Below you can find some sample packages to guide you through your semester feature choices!
To register, just download the Semester Application Form here or visit the Admissions Page for more information! We can’t wait to see you at Qalam wa Lawh! !
o register, just download the Semester Application Form here or visit the Admissions Page for more information! We can’t wait to see you at Qalam wa Lawh! !مرحبا بكم